A lot of these bodybuilders and fitness influencers have body dysmorphia disorder. Sadly, many of them meet an early demise due to substance abuse, chasing that "perfect form"; this, which the goalpost is always moved... "I can always look "better"... more muscular... never good enough". Sad.
It is well known that women suffer from body image issues, but men might have it worse, with Hollywood promoting all of these roid freaks and not much push back on men's behalf...
Then then actors who are juiced out of their minds deny it's steroids - it's ALWAYS steroids - and proceed to give nonsense "advice" to the uninformed who want to replicate them. The body recompositions that only take a few months are unattainable without a boatload of gear, like Kumail Nanjiani, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, etc.
A lot of these bodybuilders and fitness influencers have body dysmorphia disorder. Sadly, many of them meet an early demise due to substance abuse, chasing that "perfect form"; this, which the goalpost is always moved... "I can always look "better"... more muscular... never good enough". Sad.
Fitness Frens need to stay natural.
It is well known that women suffer from body image issues, but men might have it worse, with Hollywood promoting all of these roid freaks and not much push back on men's behalf...
Then then actors who are juiced out of their minds deny it's steroids - it's ALWAYS steroids - and proceed to give nonsense "advice" to the uninformed who want to replicate them. The body recompositions that only take a few months are unattainable without a boatload of gear, like Kumail Nanjiani, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, etc.