This is interesting. Your son, when he first heard an insect, like a bee, did he know that was a bee or just some sort of buzzing insect? Was he able to associate the buzzing noise with a bee or did he have to be taught the buzzing noise was a bee?
I really don't know if he would have even heard something that low. The settings have to be personalized because a lot of sounds are over whelming to a deaf person. I really doubt he hears the buzz of a bee. I'll have to ask him next time I see him.
This is interesting. Your son, when he first heard an insect, like a bee, did he know that was a bee or just some sort of buzzing insect? Was he able to associate the buzzing noise with a bee or did he have to be taught the buzzing noise was a bee?
I really don't know if he would have even heard something that low. The settings have to be personalized because a lot of sounds are over whelming to a deaf person. I really doubt he hears the buzz of a bee. I'll have to ask him next time I see him.