Its a REAL war; a war with viciously cruel, humanity despising smugs.
President Trump is not an All Powerful Magic Daddy. He cant alter the reality that during any war, but especially this one, hardships, destriction, casualties and deaths are unavoidable.
Complaints about President Trump remind me of blaming complaints about God when tragedy hits, OMG Loving God wouldnt aLlOw bad things to happen God isn't Loving, He's a Bad Dad.
Please stop the lying stupidity. A POTUS does not make a medical vaxx.. He ask fauci, and Big Pharma to do that. They lied to everyone.
. "This is NOT a game" -- Q
Its a REAL war; a war with viciously cruel, humanity despising smugs.
President Trump is not an All Powerful Magic Daddy. He cant alter the reality that during any war, but especially this one, hardships, destriction, casualties and deaths are unavoidable.
Complaints about President Trump remind me of blaming complaints about God when tragedy hits, OMG Loving God wouldnt aLlOw bad things to happen God isn't Loving, He's a Bad Dad.
How do you counter people that bring up the point about the Loving God? Always confused on how to respond.
You can love your child without controlling their life like a dictator.
What's the point of bringing a life into the world to live as an individual if you are just going to control everything?
What if it's not about controlling everything but to stop say a group of a few from making the rest suffer for decades or hundreds of years?
Communism, fascism, the dark ages, ancient Roman pedos, cabal pedovores, etc
Omnipresent omnipotent being that can intervene any time, surely should intervene then?