wait what there is a dem candidate posting pornos all over the internet and they are worried who Kristy is doing the horizontal mambo with......when she puts it up on a porn site we will worry
I haven’t paid attention either way, but fancy women make me leery; the ones who ‘always’ match etc. that takes a lot of work, not sure who has time or energy for that on a consistent basis? doesn’t leave much for reading, reflection, research, etc.
Not that I disagree about fancy women, but matching doesn't take much work and I am tired of society looking like bums including men. We have lost all sense of decorum, formality and decency. A dose of 1940s dress wear for men and women wouldnt go amiss.
wait what there is a dem candidate posting pornos all over the internet and they are worried who Kristy is doing the horizontal mambo with......when she puts it up on a porn site we will worry
Well, although disgusting, the dem did that with her husband consensually. Noem is commiting adultry.
Not proven…but I hope this is fake news….just like Boebert lied about vaping at the musical….these R women….are disappointing….you too MTG.
I haven’t paid attention either way, but fancy women make me leery; the ones who ‘always’ match etc. that takes a lot of work, not sure who has time or energy for that on a consistent basis? doesn’t leave much for reading, reflection, research, etc.
Not that I disagree about fancy women, but matching doesn't take much work and I am tired of society looking like bums including men. We have lost all sense of decorum, formality and decency. A dose of 1940s dress wear for men and women wouldnt go amiss.