They can't actually control that, though. They just want you to believe that they can. Half of what they do is a bluff to get you to cow yourself.
What they really want is a full on caste system. They don't give a shit how many people there are, they know full well there is no scarcity problem on any level, they just pretend there is so they can downgrade everyone else's living standard.
This has two effects.. it frees up more shit for them and their privileged class and it makes everyone else so desperate you can bully them into lopsided deals that they'll be happy to take.
Organs, and babies, homie.
They don't need 7 billion of us for that, remember the Georgia Guidestones saying "500 million..."?
They can't actually control that, though. They just want you to believe that they can. Half of what they do is a bluff to get you to cow yourself.
What they really want is a full on caste system. They don't give a shit how many people there are, they know full well there is no scarcity problem on any level, they just pretend there is so they can downgrade everyone else's living standard.
This has two effects.. it frees up more shit for them and their privileged class and it makes everyone else so desperate you can bully them into lopsided deals that they'll be happy to take.
They hate God. You're just a pawn in that game.