posted ago by Excelsior ago by Excelsior +64 / -0

Was passing through DC recently on my way to VA midweek in the middle of the day, and I saw driving behavior I've never seen before. Multiple cars in both the fast and slow lanes driving erratically, drifting from one lane to another, going about 10 to 15 miles BELOW the speed limit. At first I thought it was drivers on their cell phones, but it turned out not to be the case. They looked high and distracted. At the same time, cars were going well ABOVE the speed limit driving on the shoulder of the highway, running over foliage, trash, and anything else in the way. Along with the increasingly angry and aggressive driving that is part of the landscape (e.g. screaming, horn honking, blowing through red lights, etc) it felt less like a bad day on the road and more like being part of a video game.

In Richmond, regarding the Suzanna Gibson case, the 40 year old nurse practitioner and mother of 2 running for the state legislature who has been fundraising by livestreaming sex acts online, is not only staying in the race but doubling down and using it drum up more money. https://apnews.com/article/susanna-gibson-virginia-house-sex-acts-c2a130b84452b524279b0a496fca2c99 Reportedly, Twitter has been suppressing the sharing of this story.

The most disturbing recent events involve hearing multiple reports of children being brought to local health care "providers" who literally made up information to put in the medical records in order the trigger a possible home visit that could lead to Child Protection Services trying to remove the child from the parents. If for any reason, you need to take your child or children to an ER, make sure to bring another adult family member or friend with you as an additional witness to the ER behavior. After the visit, log into your medical record portal and confirm the records support the reason you actually went there in the first place and what occured there. It seems like nothing is off the table now. I was wondering if others were witness similar things where they live.