As concerning as it is for what is come, I've properly prepared my finances and am completely out of the banks except for cash that I need.
I've tried my best to warn people for the shit storm that is coming. And of course, we get the side-eye bullshit, even when we were obviously right about covid and vax. Let's not mention the many "conspiracy theories" that became reality.
I find myself hoping that people will get wiped the fuck out so that they can finally learn and accept the reality that we already know. I feel wrong about this, but I've tried my damn best to warn and inform. It isn't really working, as most of you already know.
"You can't tell them the truth, you must SHOW them the truth. "
What a great quote and another truth that I didn't know until I witnessed how stupid and unremarkable people really are during this global psyop.
I feel wrong that I feel this way, waiting for the wipe-out moment. It isn't a " I told you so" that I feel vindicated about, it is the sheer ignorance and complete pride people have in themselves without considering any other view or evidence.
They are going to come to me for help. I already know it. I've done pretty well and in a good position, but what do you do as a Christian when you've tried to warn, inform, and politely give facts about what is the truth? With furthermore, given the side-eye, insultingly being disregarded at every single turn, laughed at, even when the truth about covid is already out there?
I am completely disgusted with family members and friends. Their info is so shitty and they still can't see that they were lied to on every single level. I'm the crazy person in my family, like a lot of you. I'm not sure how to handle this when it comes time.
What do you do here?
Do you say "no"? Or, "you didn't fucking listen to me and now you want help"? It's hard to do and I don't know how to go about this.
@Jammyjams, You probably already know this since you declare to be a "Christian", but here is a little reminder..... Jesus predicted that the love of many would grow cold as part of His answer to the disciples’ question, “What will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?” In Matthew 24, in the Olivet Discourse, Jesus describes the end of the age that will precede His second coming. He says that there will be false Christs (verse 5), wars (verse 6), and strife and natural disasters (verse 7).
Jesus also warned of the persecution of believers, some of whom would prove to be false disciples who would turn on one another (Matthew 24:9–10). “And,” Jesus said, “because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold” (verse 12, ESV). Whether it is because of the deluding influence of the false teachers or the persecution or the fear of death, the zeal of many false professors will diminish. Their love toward God and toward the church will “grow cold.” True Christians, even those whose faith is weak, will persevere to the end (verse 13). Theirs is the true love, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), and it cannot fail (1 Corinthians 13:7). True love cannot become cold because it is sustained by Christ who is able to keep us from falling (Jude 1:24).
For those without the Spirit, however, what love they do have will become colder and colder in the last days. Paul expands this idea in 2 Timothy 3:1–4 when he describes the last days. The love those people have is not a warm, living love for God and His truth and His people. Rather, it is the love of self and the love of money (verse 2). Paul describes those whose love for God, Christ, and the saints is only in pretense, not in reality. They do all they do in a religious way from self-love and to selfish ends. Their aim is to gain glory and applause from men or to use religion to gain something for themselves. They do nothing for the glory of God, the honor of Christ, or the good of others.
How can we be sure that the love we have for Christ will never grow cold? We begin by examining ourselves to be sure we are truly in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). If we truly belong to Christ, we can be confident that we possess the love from the Spirit that never grows cold. Then we should make every effort to increase our love:, “This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9–11).