A Catholic diocese throws down the gauntlet on all things LGBTQ+
Two of the worst Supreme Court opinions are Obergefell, finding an imaginary constitutional right to gay marriage, and Bostock, reading transgenderism into Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, the Diocese of Cleveland, by announcing th...
NOPE and neither have I seen an Episcopalian either....and the Mass Robes the priests wears aren't either...this pope (yes, lil' "p") is an abomination!!!!!!!! That is all!!!
Bullshit. The protestant denominations ALL support the tranny LGBT agenda. They have their pedophiles and slave traders too. You are a fucking moron if you think otherwise. And not one of them has a voice like Archbishop Vigano willing to endanger his life not only calling out the Pope and the Cardinals but also the Black Nobility and the entire globalist agenda.
Here ya go:
And the part about the Anglicans is a lie:
They just recently raised a tranny to Bishop.
So all of you Catholic haters doing the devils work should learn not to throw stones when you live in a tranny filled glass house.
The Episcopal church now supports transitioning children. I am now attending a Methodist Church
Sorry Methodist too.
Well, for now, it hasn't been passed by the U.S. governing body. They rejected it before the plandemic. There was a fuss and they were going revote on it but the conference was cancelled due to the lockdown. They are scheduled to take it up again. We now know how slippery that slope is. I shall be following the issue closely.