SDG Summit: 18-19 September 2023, UN Headquarters, New York
OHCHR and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
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Tomorrow is the UN meeting to get Agenda 21 back on track for their 2030 goals of bankrupting the world via SDGs - [their] Great Reset.
“The SDG Summit, marking the half-way point to 2030, is a critical moment to deliver a global plan on ways to accelerate SDG implementation. We must rise higher to rescue the 2030 Agenda – human rights – all human rights - are the lever to do so.”
We will never comply. Unless your name is God and Jesus you are SOL.
They say 'human rights' when they mean RITES - locking you up, taking your children and forcing you to watch them rape and sacrifice them.
The rights they decide we are allowed to. I will keep the rights god gave me and they can go pound sand.
Very astute... Rites