SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS - An Introductory Programming Manual - Contains an Introductory Description of This War, Its' Strategies and Its' Weapons.
The following document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale. This is an version of original scan of the document. Excerpt from "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing 1991.
Stunning to realize the length of time these people plan shit. This document is more than likely a part of a series that started decades before. The ultra Rich aren't that way just because their evil, their ancestors were cunning and brilliant, put their intellect to work for the Devil himself.
What does it gain a man to Inherit everything? A professor once pulled a Roman coin, a silver dollar then a dollar bill out once during a lecture. He said look at it this way, thousands of years have passed and yet the Roman coin was still worth it's weight in gold. A hundred years have passed and the silver dollar is still worth it's weight in silver. The dollar bill however, if it were to still be here in 100 years is absolutely worthless. A narrow minded pleb piped up and said that's not true. The professor asked them which part.... the pleb started rattling off stock market statistics, even went as far as saying that the entire world takes the Dollar. In the end, even though you show some people the truth, they will never ever be able to see it. It's allot easier to fool people than it is to convince them they've been fooled.
The folly is wasting time on the people that just do not ever want to see or hear the truth. This information could be front page of every newspaper today, by Friday it will be forgotten by those who fail to even realize they're living. I swear some people just go through motions and are paralyzed by programmed dissonance.
In the end Americans are starting to wake up. The ones just waking up to today's tyrrany still fail to realize the truth from the past, because of that I say at some point their just gonna have to sit the next revolution out. Besides, the only convictions they seem to have are given to them by the MSM.
In a way it's a good thing the boomers are now mostly out of the workforce, retired, and not a part of the machine. Imagine explaining to them the truth about WW1 & WW2. Then do Vietnam...... Skip the late 70s, 80s, 90s, then imagine them being told the truth about 911. You better believe that the whole Kennedy Assassination truth would never be something they would agree with either.
Anyways, the document described is a tiny peak into their reality. Let's pray that God is still shedding His grace on the US, the deprived child killers ALMOST got away with it..... Oh, FYI.... The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, well the truth about that and the CGI.... Clintons Charity, yeah you better fucking believe their both about to have a really really REALLY bad time.
Off topic, sorry.
Carry On!!!
You make good points and speak the truth. I think the dumbing down of society was critical to all this...critical thinking skills are possessed by so few people today. I believe that is why some will be lost forever. In Rome they gave the people what they wanted...bread and circuses. We evidently have learned very little from the past.
Yes the planning of the takedown and enslavement of humanity has been in the works for a very long time...perhaps since the Garden of Eden. This is a spiritual war after all against man...God's creation made in the image of God. Personally I have been fighting a very long time and I am tired (and old). But I have wonderful memories and I trust God to see me through no matter what the future holds...
"Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world"...Maranatha...
Agreed, the serpent sought to corrupt man’s DNA at the beginning