It is a tranny, very proud of his tiddies, who managed to worm his arse into the military in Ukraine.
He's been a meme for a while, but recently he started broadcasting sitting behind a desk. He supposedly blew some projectiles through his hand (Slava Ukraini) so found a new job, and hey - he speaks English, so what better?
Also it appears that some people don't like the message.
They shaved Selenski and put a blonde wig on his head? Or is this thing just another output of the clone factories?
It is a tranny, very proud of his tiddies, who managed to worm his arse into the military in Ukraine.
He's been a meme for a while, but recently he started broadcasting sitting behind a desk. He supposedly blew some projectiles through his hand (Slava Ukraini) so found a new job, and hey - he speaks English, so what better?
Also it appears that some people don't like the message.