If Chevron goes back up before the court that can completely change the way the deep state operates. The gist of Chevron being overturned is that agencies like EPA or ATF can't simply make laws (like waters of the united states, or banning pistol braces) because they are not CONgress. Their power would be nearly completely slashed.
This is the big one. It is real. Stop thinking Brunson is gonna happen - there is zero chance for that. Chevron is a real case from 1984 which found that unless CONgress has said otherwise, if an agency interprets a statute or a law in a certain way they will be given deference. In English it means if ATF looks at a gun law and says because of that law this pistol brace is illegal, then unless CONgress says otherwise the brace is illegal. It was a very bad decision and as a result the administrative/deep state exploded. Only CONgress can make laws.
If SCOTUS takes and overturns Chevron (which looks very possible) a ton of stuff will change overnight. That also means stuff like border policy. CONgress didn't authorize an app allowing fake asylum seekers special treatments. That's just one thing - think of all the rest.
If something doesn't change soon, the USA will lose everything it ever stood for.
The UN met Mon and Tues, and under the guise of SDG they are again aggressively pushing the 2030 agenda. Who can stop them once they implement digital IDs and currency? Not a peep from the Media about a 7 year treaty promising 'Peace and Safety'.
If Chevron goes back up before the court that can completely change the way the deep state operates. The gist of Chevron being overturned is that agencies like EPA or ATF can't simply make laws (like waters of the united states, or banning pistol braces) because they are not CONgress. Their power would be nearly completely slashed.
This is the big one. It is real. Stop thinking Brunson is gonna happen - there is zero chance for that. Chevron is a real case from 1984 which found that unless CONgress has said otherwise, if an agency interprets a statute or a law in a certain way they will be given deference. In English it means if ATF looks at a gun law and says because of that law this pistol brace is illegal, then unless CONgress says otherwise the brace is illegal. It was a very bad decision and as a result the administrative/deep state exploded. Only CONgress can make laws.
If SCOTUS takes and overturns Chevron (which looks very possible) a ton of stuff will change overnight. That also means stuff like border policy. CONgress didn't authorize an app allowing fake asylum seekers special treatments. That's just one thing - think of all the rest.
If something doesn't change soon, the USA will lose everything it ever stood for.
The UN met Mon and Tues, and under the guise of SDG they are again aggressively pushing the 2030 agenda. Who can stop them once they implement digital IDs and currency? Not a peep from the Media about a 7 year treaty promising 'Peace and Safety'.