posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +48 / -0

"Republicans will expose how corrupt the two tiered system of justice is. (It has been corrupt for decades...

They will screech...

Garland will say something like: I don't know or we can't answer the question...

Garland will do something illegal like perjure himself...

Republicans will say that's illegal...

Then they will do nothing about it...

Rinse. Wash. Repeat. Ad nauseum...

This part of the journey isn't for us...

It's supposed to be so blatantly corrupt and frustrating because that's what wakes up the normies...

It'll probably have to get even more obvious, don't you think?...

Sometimes it's better to see this from a different perspective...

You can choose to be absolutely emotionally enraged, which would be a fitting emotion, but don't dwell on that for too long or else you will become swamped with despair...

I'm tired of it. I choose peace in the storm..."


(ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter)