I was following his Telegram account back when this shit went down. He, not only gave his version (step by step) of what went down, he provided links to each and every document to support everything he said.
I read every document, and verified the authenticity as best I could. This is why I don't trust Brian Cates very much. When he attacked Lin, I read some of his posts and knew some of his info was wrong.
Word was that Lin grifted $$ for defending Kyle Rittenhouse while simultaneously leaving him to rot. He did seem genuine (like many RINOs, as we've seen). Maybe he's with us or maybe Lin is about Lin and his religion thing is just a phase and he's a scuzzy lawyer at his core. https://lawandcrime.com/exclusive/behind-fightback-untold-tales-of-lin-wood-an-unreported-gun-incident-and-how-kyle-rittenhouses-mother-sees-it-all/
Leaving him to rot? Kyle blew up and got so many opportunities after Lin secured his victory.
I was following his Telegram account back when this shit went down. He, not only gave his version (step by step) of what went down, he provided links to each and every document to support everything he said.
I read every document, and verified the authenticity as best I could. This is why I don't trust Brian Cates very much. When he attacked Lin, I read some of his posts and knew some of his info was wrong.
Believe what you want, but: YMMV!
Thank you for clarifying that.