I believe Lin is working with Trump. I believe Trump has been under attack from bad actors in the movement.
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Wow. I guess the active DS campaign against Flynn has been effective.
So, you don't agree with Donald Trump, who a month or two back publicly told FLynn to get ready, to be ready to serve again?
I trust Linn over Flynn. Flynn has lied, has a cabal connected around him, flashes illuminati signs including 666. Prayed the prayer from the satanic prophet who tried to convince people to follow Saint Germaine instead of Jesus.
I trust Trump. But Trump is full of deception. I believe he is going to get us where we need to go. But Trump will endorse people who are corrupt on purpose.
"But Trump will endorse people who are corrupt on purpose."
So how do you know whether Trump is endorsing someone because they are corrupt, or because he trusts and relies on them?
You enjoy the show and use discernment. Itll be revealed eventually.
Thank you for sharing your beliefs. It's important that we can discuss these things openly, as we strive to get clarity and objectivity.
For my part, I think there are many tell-talk signs about where a person is coming from, and it primarily has to do with the idea that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating". About what net impact they have, vs. what they say.
Aside from the accusations of "he has a cabal" and "He flashes signs", etc., how do you think that Flynn's actual activities have hurt MAGA or Trump's agenda?
I think it's worth nothing that your belief in Woods and confessed disbelief in Flynn appears to be deeply connected or in fact based on your religious viewpoint and theological outlook. That's fine, of course, but I'm skeptical when people justify arguments based primarily on their dogma or religious belief system.
Also, I don't see that the framework of "Woods vs Flynn" to be a very productive or valid approach to the issues. In other words, trusting this person over that person, or visa versa, isn't helpful, because it frames the issues based on "Who I trust more" rather than looking at each individual within their own individual context.
I've seen enough of both these men to be satisfied with my choice of assessment regarding them individually.
Thanks again for sharing.