White House internally: "Oh no there's so much data that says this is bad!"
White House to Pfizerdernason: "Hey, it sure would suck if this information leaked and we couldn't follow through on this plan.."
Pfizerdernason to White House: "Okay, okay fine. Here's another hundred million, and here's an extra 50 million for your families. Thank you for doing business with us. Get vaccinated comrade!"
How I imagine it went:
White House internally: "Oh no there's so much data that says this is bad!"
White House to Pfizerdernason: "Hey, it sure would suck if this information leaked and we couldn't follow through on this plan.."
Pfizerdernason to White House: "Okay, okay fine. Here's another hundred million, and here's an extra 50 million for your families. Thank you for doing business with us. Get vaccinated comrade!"