posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +15 / -0

This is a question I like to ask from time to time to gauge, peoples thoughts on things that are relevant to most of us. Last time I asked this specific question was about a year ago. Most of the responses I got said something along these lines:

Silver: $2,200 to $5,500 an ounce post cabal (Or the equivalent of if we actually see mass deflation due to going back to the USD instead of federal reserve note and going back to the gold standard)

Gold: $20K to $50K an ounce Post cabal (Or the equivalent of)

I'm curious if anyone's predictions/thoughts have changed on the matter. I've seen a few people throw out numbers like $10K to $20K for Silver per ounce and $100K to $500K per ounce of gold.

I'd freaking love that, but I'm not sure if it'll work out like that. I think the previously agreed upon estimates are probably still the most accurate, though I can see silver reaching $10K when it stabilizes and Gold Reaching $100K. My reasoning is that, while the previous estimates will probably be the initial "new value", there will be a massive demand for precious metals and severely limited supply post cabal.

It'll be just like what happened with bitcoin. Everyone and their brother will want to get in on the "next big thing" and start trying to buy up as much as they can. Thus severely limiting supply, while demand is at all time highs. Which will probably lead to those absurd numbers of $20K+ per silver and $500K+ for gold for a short period of time.

Then, once the market has settled out, the "new average" for both metals will even out around $10K and $100K respectively, or thereabouts anyway.

Of course this is just my prediction/thoughts on the matter using both common sentiment and similar previous scenarios in the various commodities markets as a base for my prediction.

Honestly, I'm calling it now. We'll start seeing "Bullion bros" that are gonna replace the current wave of crypto bros and try to sell you a crappy course on gold/silver day trading. I can almost guarantee we'll see a Tai Lopez like "guru" emerge that will inundate every platform with crappy commercials on day trading precious metals or something stupid like that.

Anyway, thoughts? This is basically just a discussion thread.