Still Think Russell Brand is One of Us? Here He is Kissing Klaus Schwab's Top Advisor Yuval Noah Harari
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I do believe he is redpilling people and providing well articulated verbal assaults on most of the cabal narratives. He is something like a Buddhist, however, so I don't expect him to be always in line with truth.
I'm a Christian who encounters many people who claim to be Christians but who DEFINITELY aren't "in line with the truth". Even when compared to a Buddhist like Brand.
Christ was asked to tell His followers how to tell who was who.
Christs answer was that you could tell by the fruits a person produced.
Those who are connected with Gods Holy Spirit will produce the fruits of Gods Holy Spirit.
Christ then listed those fruits.
And the fruits produced by Holy Spirit connected people are.......
I agree. Do you know which verse that is?
He is not one of us, but that's ok, I know a lot of very based people that never heard of Q......
Who are we to judge. The human heart is very complex and only God knows our hearts, who is truly good and who is fake.