Unless things have changed drastically. On paper at least. To my knowledge they are usually paying for Civilian contractors and services to handle repairs and maintenance.
Contractors who are often coincidentally related to Political Leaders or Pentagon Brass. And or donated fat stacks to election/reelection campaigns.
IMO it probably would have been best to just cut the Civilians out of the loop. And leave repairs and cleaning to the Base Garrison. Would probably be good practice for the Engineers and in the case of the particularly nasty Barracks. Biowarfare units.
Unless things have changed drastically. On paper at least. To my knowledge they are usually paying for Civilian contractors and services to handle repairs and maintenance.
Contractors who are often coincidentally related to Political Leaders or Pentagon Brass. And or donated fat stacks to election/reelection campaigns.
IMO it probably would have been best to just cut the Civilians out of the loop. And leave repairs and cleaning to the Base Garrison. Would probably be good practice for the Engineers and in the case of the particularly nasty Barracks. Biowarfare units.