Honest opinion required: what are Trump's chances against Gavin Newsom should Newsom become the 2024 candidate?
Nowadays, it seems that the new Demonic Rat plan is to float Gavin Newsom as the 2024 candidate instead of Joepedo. I want everyone's honest opinion: What is are Trump's chances against Newsom in the 2024 election? Because, low-key, I think Trump WANTS Biden as his opponent, since it is practically cakewalk to steamroll him over, unlike Newsom who has the advantage of age and a bit more charisma than Joepedo.
The ONLY chance anyone could beat Trump is if they ran Jesus the Christ, Himself. Otherwise this is a purely rhetorical question, on the same level as how many angels can you get on the head of a pin. (And this is not meant to be nasty or sacrilegious. You did specify honest opinion)