Who knows, but for what it's worth I think the child sacrifice would do it if enough details are leaked all at once. Especially the people killing their own children in gruesome ways. It disturbs me, and I had years to absorb and accept at my own pace. And then when people realize half of what they do to their children - drugs, video games, music - is part of dedicating their OWN children to Satan!
Yes, Ive seen videos that are horrifying and heart breaking for me. I cannot bleach out of my brain. I have to keep on the full armor to deal. I still see those little faces crying and terrified. 😖 Im glad to be awakened but I need that part of this movie to be done it breaks my heart!
Still wouldn't put 99% in the hospital, it wouldn't even have that effect on 0.9%(if it would then news-reels from concentration camps post ww2 would have had a similar effect)
Hint: Flat-earth isn't a thing, the earth is round, however the use of flat-earth as a road-block however..
Road-blocks are put on roads, roads usually lead somewhere, they use 'flat-earth' as a road-block to stop people from continuing down roads leading to things that would cause the majority of people asylum levels of freak out....
(This has a good chance of being downvoted, which sorta proves my point. What if ........)
Unfortunately that is unlikely to cause many to freak out all that much as it is likely to to cause a ho-hum reaction in many, would likely cause a massive shift in consumer/eating/buying habits for many but doubt that would be much more than 50% of the population.
When people see something like 'would put 99% of people in the hospital' the instinct is to take it as some level of hyperbole rather than taking it literally.
Realistically ANYTHING that is anything close to something seen before only much-much more of it/much more extreme would be unlikely to have that effect so it has to be something MORE than any normal horrible or freak-out causing news/truth cranked up to 11...
Child sacrifice and adrenochrome
Yes, this. Hard to comprehend. Almost impossible. My heart bleeds thinking about it.
Doubtful that would.
I'm thinking something along the lines of everyone being mind controlled by ETs or something lol
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Who knows, but for what it's worth I think the child sacrifice would do it if enough details are leaked all at once. Especially the people killing their own children in gruesome ways. It disturbs me, and I had years to absorb and accept at my own pace. And then when people realize half of what they do to their children - drugs, video games, music - is part of dedicating their OWN children to Satan!
Yes, Ive seen videos that are horrifying and heart breaking for me. I cannot bleach out of my brain. I have to keep on the full armor to deal. I still see those little faces crying and terrified. 😖 Im glad to be awakened but I need that part of this movie to be done it breaks my heart!
The answer is that the Wraith are real and here now. If that doesn't scare the shit out of you, then nothing will.
(c.f. Stargate Atlantis.)
Video evidence of such behavior is what would do the trick. Once that leaks, it's over.
Still wouldn't put 99% in the hospital, it wouldn't even have that effect on 0.9%(if it would then news-reels from concentration camps post ww2 would have had a similar effect)
Hint: Flat-earth isn't a thing, the earth is round, however the use of flat-earth as a road-block however..
Road-blocks are put on roads, roads usually lead somewhere, they use 'flat-earth' as a road-block to stop people from continuing down roads leading to things that would cause the majority of people asylum levels of freak out....
(This has a good chance of being downvoted, which sorta proves my point. What if ........)
How about finding out what they have been mixing in our food? Our water? Our air? Our medication?
Unfortunately that is unlikely to cause many to freak out all that much as it is likely to to cause a ho-hum reaction in many, would likely cause a massive shift in consumer/eating/buying habits for many but doubt that would be much more than 50% of the population.
When people see something like 'would put 99% of people in the hospital' the instinct is to take it as some level of hyperbole rather than taking it literally.
Realistically ANYTHING that is anything close to something seen before only much-much more of it/much more extreme would be unlikely to have that effect so it has to be something MORE than any normal horrible or freak-out causing news/truth cranked up to 11...
The industrialization of Child sacrifice and adrenochrome.