105 It's all true: NYC man's gun arrest uncovers global satanic pedofile cult (nypost.com) posted 1 year ago by ouvrez_les_yeux 1 year ago by ouvrez_les_yeux +105 / -0 How NYC gun arrest uncovered a huge pedophile Satanic cult In searching Angel Almeida’s home, authorities allegedly found hundreds of files containing child sex abuse material, as well as books related to Satanism, according to court documents. 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
White supremists remain the most inclusive demographic with this inclusion of angel almeida.
So true! The White Supremes are the diversity champs!
Hey Savannah Guthrie, it's real bitch💥🤬
"the heinous group, named 764"
7+6+4 = 17 🤔😁
hmmmm ..... I do not trust it. This is way to convenient and way to low level hanging fruit.
What is more .... it is larded with buzz-words ....