You fill out a new 1040 fed tax form for Zero withholdings. This is done in some instances, as an example; Husband is in highest tax bracket & wife is in low or zero tax bracket due to husband's income/high tax bracket. Or both can actually have ZERO fed taxes withheld and only pay 7.5% to FICA (social security) to fed. But each will receive a fed income tax notification of fed taxes owed. Also, once a certain income is reached throughout the year, 7.5% is no longer deducted, which means that income earner has reached the limit for FICA deductions for that year. Personal knowledge...
Plan to defund the Fed Gov't - Therefore the 200 +/- million fed tax-paying US citizens go to their current employer personnel dept and fill-out new 1040 forms for ZERO fed taxes withheld (with the exclusion of the 7.5% for FICA/social security deduction, which is mandatory) and VOILA! The American tax-payer shuts down the FEDERAL GOV'T by proxy by not paying fed taxes!
Withholding was a brilliantly evil move.
Rather than having to save to fork out a chunk of money once a year, taxpayers never see feel the pain of paying taxes as they never have their hands on it and it goes out in dribbles.
But it's worse than that...
My farrier's daughter got her first job at a fast food restaurant. Once she had worked several days he asked her when she was getting her first pay check. She replied, "I guess when the government sends it to me."
Yeah this part is never addressed. The only people I know who dodge taxes are paid under the table cash only and that is becoming increasingly difficult.
this has been mentioned before. how do you NOT pay your federal taxes when your employer takes it out before you get your check?
You fill out a new 1040 fed tax form for Zero withholdings. This is done in some instances, as an example; Husband is in highest tax bracket & wife is in low or zero tax bracket due to husband's income/high tax bracket. Or both can actually have ZERO fed taxes withheld and only pay 7.5% to FICA (social security) to fed. But each will receive a fed income tax notification of fed taxes owed. Also, once a certain income is reached throughout the year, 7.5% is no longer deducted, which means that income earner has reached the limit for FICA deductions for that year. Personal knowledge...
Plan to defund the Fed Gov't - Therefore the 200 +/- million fed tax-paying US citizens go to their current employer personnel dept and fill-out new 1040 forms for ZERO fed taxes withheld (with the exclusion of the 7.5% for FICA/social security deduction, which is mandatory) and VOILA! The American tax-payer shuts down the FEDERAL GOV'T by proxy by not paying fed taxes!
Precisely. Withholding was a brilliantly evil move. Rather than having to save to fork out a chunk of money once a year, taxpayers never see feel the pain of paying taxes as they never have their hands on it and it goes out in dribbles. But it's worse than that... My farrier's daughter got her first job at a fast food restaurant. Once she had worked several days he asked her when she was getting her first pay check. She replied, "I guess when the government sends it to me." Programming.
Yeah this part is never addressed. The only people I know who dodge taxes are paid under the table cash only and that is becoming increasingly difficult.
I hear there is a legal route to get back what you've payed, but im no lawfag