No. Why should the law abiding citizen need to suffer because the ignorant, who feel they deserve what they take, are allowed to circumvent the law at will. The globalists want chaos. They want to destroy small businesses especially, so that those in power, who own businesses like Walmart, Target, Costco, Amazon, Sam’s club are all that is left and there is no freedom of choice and no way for the little man to succeed.
Might as well just lock the doors permanently instead.
No. Why should the law abiding citizen need to suffer because the ignorant, who feel they deserve what they take, are allowed to circumvent the law at will. The globalists want chaos. They want to destroy small businesses especially, so that those in power, who own businesses like Walmart, Target, Costco, Amazon, Sam’s club are all that is left and there is no freedom of choice and no way for the little man to succeed.