She's all about herself too, me, me, me, look at what I did, blah, blah blah. Doesn't come across as a team player. She want's someone big to recognize her, and give her a position. When Laura first started commenting about this in the public square, she came across like the know it all no one wants to sit by at the wedding reception. Notice also, her picture is the same thing as what loudmouth lefty Alyssa Milano has, a woman with a bullhorn....just lovely.
She's all about herself too, me, me, me, look at what I did, blah, blah blah. Doesn't come across as a team player. She want's someone big to recognize her, and give her a position. When Laura first started commenting about this in the public square, she came across like the know it all no one wants to sit by at the wedding reception. Notice also, her picture is the same thing as what loudmouth lefty Alyssa Milano has, a woman with a bullhorn....just lovely.