Now with the disclaimer out of the way, so that hopefully this post doesn't get deleted, let's start the discussion.
Probably stepping on some toes here, but I feel it needs to be discussed at least. I recently FINALLY got around to watching Europa, the last battle. The big 12+ Hour Documentary that EVERYONE in the alt media sphere of influence says you should watch. Took me a while, but I finally got through it all. And I decided that it was finally time to bring this topic up.
Were the actual German Nazi Party, "the bad guys" or were they simply "the losers with good intentions" that were forced to be scape goats.
I'm not talking about the "accepted narrative" about how all nazi's were evil racist genocidal bastards. I'm putting out the question, what is the generally accepted "truth", among those in our sphere of influence when it comes to the German Nazi's?
The reason I'm putting this question out there, is because Q suggests that NWO, doesn't stand for "New World Order", but rather "Nazi World Order".
So obviously there are at least SOME bad "nazis". But at the same time, there is SO MUCH evidence, that suggests that the Nazis weren't actually the bad guys, and that Germany as a whole was used as a scapegoat for both World Wars. In WW II in particular because they did what Gaddafi tried to do and failed. Create a debt free, interest free currency based economy without a central bank.
There's a reason we're saving Israel for last.
I've watched plenty of these documentaries before. And I've always just assumed that there was both good and bad in the Nazi party, and hitler may or may not have been a puppet meant to "lift germany up before letting them fall back down". But watching Europa has me feeling a bit different.
I've never seen a documentary THIS detailed before, especially when it comes to Weimar and Nazi Germany. I know I'm risking getting crapped on and this post deleted in saying this, but honestly, the Weimar-Nazi Germany transformation is almost identical to what we in the United States, and most other western nations are going through.
Pre Weimar, Germany was a devout Christian nation with strong moral fiber, a vibrant economy, and prosperous people with wealth spread, not exactly evenly (they did have rich people), but it wasn't like it is today where .01% control 99% of the wealth.
Weimar Germany was economically depressed to the point of mass starvation, sexual deviancy was not only accepted, it was encouraged. People really don't understand how bad the deviancy was in Weimar Germany. One of the "most popular" sex tourism activities in Berlin was to have sex with an underaged animal, usually a sheep, before having it's throat slit before the climax so as to experience all three of the great taboos at once (Pedophilia, Necrophilia, and Bestiality). Transgenderism and homosexuality were also wide spread, as was basically every other form of degeneracy. Yes, including pedophilia.
Weimar Germany, is what they want for all of us, and we're only a few steps away from it.
Nazi Germany (before WW II), was easily the most vibrant economy on the planet (second only to the US at the time). Unemployment was under 2%, people had government required vacations multiple times a year. Home ownership was over 80% (an incredible feat if you know anything about housing statistics), and those who were still renting had their rent capped at 1/8 of their income. Hundreds of thousands of homes were built and for all intents and purposes given away to young families (young families had unreal mortgage treatments where they got a home from the government for pennies on the dollar).
Likewise, every single family was entitled to several thousand in no interest loans from the government to help buy anything related to child rearing, and there was even a method to void the loan so you didn't owe anything or have to pay it back. On top of this, taxation was based on the size of the family, as well as the income. The more Children you had, the less taxes you had to pay. And at 4+ Children, you were exempt from all taxes except sales taxes. Meaning no property taxes, income taxes, etc. for the rest of your life.
Churches were built and religion saw a revival like nothing else seen anywhere other than the United States. Christianity went from being a minority, to 90% of the population being Christian again after decades of religious and moral decay.
Contrary to modern belief, hitler and the nazis also didn't ban guns. The weimar government did. Hitler reversed that and created "gun clubs" for Germans to both own and practice with firearms.
The only "book burning" that ever took place, was when all of the sexual and pornographic "literature and research" from the degenerate universities was burned by the students.
And they did all of this, through the issuance of currency that was debt free, interest free, and with ZERO gold.
Not trying to offend or sound like a MSM talking head, but honestly. This type of stuff sounds like Gadaffi, or Orben....Dare I say, Trump? The goals, methodology, and promises are nearly the same, if not identical.
And this is just what I can remember off the top of my head.
Now for the flip side.
First and foremost, Ukraine. I don't think I need to say much else, but the Ukrainian Nazi remanent, are obviously not "good people". In fact, I'd say they're some of the most evil on the planet. They're essentially what we think of when we think of the typical nazi, as presented by most historical references.
Then there's the problem of the Holocaust. I'm not going to say it was fake or not. There's evidence both ways, but the fact remains, that it's one of those discrepancies that makes this a complicated and charged subject matter to discuss.
Finally, there's the fact that most of us believe that most of our own evil "American" bastards are of Nazi origin. HW Bush being the prime example, most go for when talking about the subject.
So what's the general consensus? For me personally, I think that the Nazi's WERE good people for the most part, and after watching Euorpa, I FIRMLY believe that most of the west, but especially the United States, will follow the Weimar-Nazi Germany transition model in the post cabal world.
Can you imagine a world (or at least a USA) in 5-ish years, where most people are devout Christians, sexual and moral deviancy is eliminated, traditional morals and values are the new norm, our currency is not just worth "something" but goes so far that we can afford to live a lifestyle like our forefathers did in the 20s and 30s? Where taxes are all but gone because most people are having large families again, thus avoiding the population collapse and eliminating any argument for immigration?
Honestly, it's almost unreal to think about, but that's basically what we've been promised by Q, Trump, etc. Maybe not verbatim, but that's what most of us have taken their various promises to mean.
But despite my belief that all of that is true and/or will happen, I will concede. That I don't think ALL nazis were good. Obviously there were some bad apples, that mostly ended up over here in the USA. So just like everything else, I believe they had good and bad, but were mostly good. And that they were used as a scape goat for WW II to further the cabals goals, and establish the creation of Israel.
TLDR: There were good AND bad nazi's but they were mostly good, and gave the world a blueprint for the recovery of a western nation from the moral, social, and economic degradation the cabal forced onto them. Something I believe most western nations will soon copy
Feel free to discuss below.
Best reply was already posted here by another anon.
"Fairly easy to get it "from the horse's mouth" so to speak what Naziism was: Mein Kampf is online and can be read for free, or just search some keywords. They were typical Leftists of the period"
Also, Europa is propaganda plain and simple. Y'all wanna stormfag, be my guest, I will be the first to deport you.
Honestly, I'm more interested in the "German Economic Miracle" than anything else. And that's historical fact. I hesitate to say ALL nazis were evil, as pointed out by u/DeathRayDesigner at this point in time if you wanted to do anything in Germany you had to be part of the Nazi Party, so basically everyone in Germany was a Nazi.
I suppose I should try and elaborate on my conclusion I've come to after looking into this topic. I DO think that Nazis (AKA: The German People) were mostly good. And I DO think, that the blueprint used to drag Germany out of the Weimar filth is a good blueprint, and one that we'll at the very least base our own on post cabal.
However, I hold no delusions that the SS were good. Even if you were to accept the fact that the holocaust was fake (Hypothetically speaking), the SS were essentially what modern day politicians are. An elite class that saw themselves as above everyone else, and as such weren't adherent to the rules they made for themselves.
For example, the "debt free and interest free" currency I mentioned? It was based on work and physical labor. In exchange for X amount of Marks, you could demand that much physical labor from the other person. Meaning the entire German Economy was based on equal exchange of labor.
Despite this, Hitler was notoriously lazy. And that's not up for debate for either side. When he eventually built his vacation home, The Eagles nest in the German Alps, he wouldn't leave it. Instead of running the country properly, even during a war, he slept until noon, would only allow meetings for a maximum of 4 hours a day, and preferred to paint the german alps while sipping tea for most of the day.
Quite hypocritical for someone who built an entire financial system based on equal trade of labor.
Euorpa.....does have some problems I'll admit. I'm a history nerd, so I noticed quite a few problems (not even anything controversial, just some weird things that they got wrong.), but like I said, what caught my attention was the German Economic Miracle and all of it's claims. After looking into it more, I found out, that most of it was true. Even the parts about reviving Christianity (though from my understanding that was more of a natural occurrence that the Nazis decided to capitalize on). So that's mainly what made me wanna post something on this topic, since I really do see similarities between the various policies of the German economic miracles and the various leaders on our side have said they wanted to do.
Heck, Orben (leader of Hungary), is actually implementing some of the child based tax policies, and Hungary has seen their birth rates increase exponentially as a result.
Long story short, I DO think there were good people involved in Nazi Germany (Just like there are good people in our government), but the ones with most of the power were idiots of some form or another at the least, and evil at the most. But what throws me for a loop, is why build Germany back up with such a perfect blueprint, only to tear them back down again?
One of the things that confuse me on the topic, and one of the reasons I tried to make a discussion thread for civil discussion since it's an actual topic of conversation.
Just be cautious. There was nothing ideologically that the Nazi Party did to help anything. (Read up on the Sturmabteilung---the SA---which was a gang of Nazi thugs so violent and uncontrollable that Hitler had them all executed in the Night of the Long Knives, turning their functions over to the more discreet SS.) Many of the "good ideas" were sheer opportunism and adoption of ideas from some gifted people (e.g., the autobahn, the volkswagen). The real "economic miracle" was post-war, when Germany---utterly demolished by allied air raids---built itself back up to pre-eminence in Europe in less than 10 years. It was a textbook competition between the free market and FDR's welfare policies.
There were good people in Germany. There were very few "good people" in the Nazi government, in the nature of things. Plenty of functionaries to regulate the actions of others. The case of Albert Speer is illustrative: highly talented as to architecture and project organization, high intellect, but surviving in an environment of dubious morality.
But it is quite seriously mistaken to think that "the ones with most of the power were idiots of some form or another." It is so mistaken, I would deem it a crippling stroke of dishonesty. Read about them, and read what they have to say. To an impressive degree, they were capable of exceedingly clear thought and of solving complex problems. I'm talking about Hitler, Goebbels, Speer, Fritz Todt, Himmler, Goering, and the like. They were capable of exceptional things---including exceptional evil. We pamper our egos by thinking they were all crazy or stupid, but that is because we are afraid to look closely. It is more concerning to me to think that brilliant people could be our enemies, because it is a reproach against intelligence and a reminder that what we do is answerable to God.
In any case, more power to you.