I've shared this story before, but basically, I was a leftist in my teenage years, because I was naive to how the world really worked.
"Why are there homeless? Just build more homes!" That sort of thing. I was an idiot.
"Why are we spending so much on defense? It's not like anyone's going to ATTACK us!" as I also used to think.
I was even going to vote for Ralph Nader in 2000, my first election where I was eligible to vote, but since it was my first, I forgot to actually register to vote.
And then it happened.
My freshman year of college.
I came into the student union building that morning.
Everyone was looking at the projection TV.
The World Trade Center was on fire. Apparently a plane had hit it.
I had to get to class, so I didn't see the second plane hit. But I do recall that cnn.com was so swamped that day, the front page was running the most bare-bones of UIs.
Leaving aside what we know now and what may come to light in the future, that is what made me take a good long look at my beliefs.
Over the next couple of years, I gradually became a warmongering Republican. I supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq for that reason--I didn't care about oil, I just wanted our enemies crushed so thoroughly that no one would ever dare to even THINK about crossing us again.
Fast-forward several years, and I'm asking myself what the fuck is taking so long with Iraq and such. I don't buy into conspiracy crap and secret families just yet, but I'm really starting to ask some questions.
Skip ahead some more. It's 2015. Donald J. Trump comes down that escalator. I'm wondering what the hell this guy's doing.
I don't support him at first--being from Texas, I was a Ted Cruz guy. I was still blind to the whole Uniparty thing, but I discover Sundance's Conservative Treehouse and similar sites, and they lay out why Trump is the only candidate that truly matters. I promise to vote for him if he ends up the nominee, which I do.
October 2017. The Q operation begins. I learn about the GreatAwakening subreddit, using a name I don't use anymore, but I don't buy it at first--imageboards are notorious for plausible-sounding LARPs, such as the infamous John Titor; fun to think about, could make some excellent fiction based on them (including one of my favorite anime), and I just wrote this off as one of them.
And then Trump starts dropping little hints. The infamous "tippy-top" comment comes to mind.
If not for Donald Trump himself doing this, I probably never would have come around on Q. I know he has to maintain plausible deniability, even to this day--and he'll probably have to deny it for the rest of his life, because OpSec--but those little nods gradually led me down the rabbit hole.
And now I'm here.
I still don't understand a lot of what Q says. Guys like SemperSupra make some valiant efforts, but a lot of the connections here even now still leave me scratching my head as to how any of that makes even a lick of sense. But Trump himself shows me that this is the way to go.
The COVID-19 lockdowns shook my faith, I admit that. I'm only human. I was as scared as most of the people, having never experienced anything like that before. A truly surreal time that I pray we never have to experience again--but Q helped me steel myself so that I didn't take any of their bioweapon shots. I caught the virus in late 2020, followed proper nutrition and the Zelenko protocol, and haven't been infected by anything since.
After Biden "won" the election, and got inaugurated, I was very, very close to giving up. I thought the country had been lost.
I despaired for a while. Lost in my little vices, needing something to distract me from the mental and spiritual pain. I should have prayed more, but I realized that after the fact.
And then, Donald Trump announced he was running again, for 2024.
And he started ending his rally speeches with this strange little instrumental I'd never heard before.
You guys figured out what the song was.
The artist had the stupid and forced pun of a name, "Richard Feelgood."
The song, lowercase intentional, was "Wwg1wga."
Trump could have chosen ANY song to end on. He could have used Hold On, I'm Comin' again.
But he chose a song named for the Q team's catchphrase.
We're going to be all right, lads. It will take longer than I would have liked, but we're going to be all right.
By the way, that John Titor thing above? The excellent fiction I talked about?
I want you all to check out an anime called Steins;Gate. Arrange a watch party here or whatever--it is an absolute must-see for everyone here, if you can find it, because it is VERY relevant to your interests. It honestly makes me wonder how much the author knew. To say any more would be a hell of a spoiler. Just watch all 24 episodes.
And yes, the semicolon is part of the title--I don't get it either.
I don't fit into any of the boxes. I am a Christian, Old Church. I am morally conservative, I do not hate all "social programs", like food banks, I do receive medicare and social security, and I paid into them, so I do not want to see that cut out from under me, and, if there is a better system around - go for it. I do think that Q was sent to mankind to ready ourselves for a Great Awakening, but I back out of too much political thinking, I do not care for the paradigm if it excludes the Gospel, and I mean all of the Gospel. One world government will never succeed, because there is no such thing as "one world together", unless it is ruled by Jesus Christ, when that happens, and if I am alive or dead does not matter. People are fascinating, and predictable, and for the majority, completely asleep . I believe that power corrupts, I do not want a leader, I have a leader. If there is a person out there that represents me honestly, (and there is not), they are up against a flawed system that has been flawed since the beginning of Government. I believe we can self govern if the moral law is strongly kept, and that mankind falls into basic archetypes, and if left alone except for Christian guidance, we would all fall in to those roles, mother, father, teacher, warrior, artisan, worker, etc, because God made us all to have something to add to a social system, naturally, just watch healthy children play together, they all naturally fall into a role, playing house, playing soldier, playing farmer, playing nurse, cook, etc, the kids that do not fit in, the little sociopaths, are naturally rejected by the group. If we parented correctly, there would be no sociopaths. If there are no sociopaths, there is no war or murder, no promiscuity, no theft. It all comes down to the natural law of our Creator. I see both left and right profiting from mankinds need to be told what to do, why is that? Because we threw God out of our homes and schools and businesses. The right claims morality, yet turns its back on "the least of these", and champions personal wealth over charity, the left throws out moral order and champions depravity,. I just thank God for his natural laws, and for giving me a chance to do service to the "least of these", every time I delve into politics and see the corruption and vanity of both sides, I need a karen silkwood shower. If all mankind could come to Jesus Christ, it would be a better world, period, and nothing can shake that belief, nothing.