posted ago by GA-Peach-Patriot ago by GA-Peach-Patriot +8 / -0

After our election was stolen in 2020, and then again in the 2022 mid-terms I came to believe that the best course of action was/is day-of-in person voting. But until day-of voting becomes the norm in all 50 states, the dems have the upper hand with ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, and registering to vote efforts. Republicans can't compete with the current system by sticking to in person, day-of least that's the message being reported by the organization called Early Vote Action.

I listened to an interview of the founder of this effort and he made a compelling argument:

Early voting, especially in person early voting has a greater chance of getting your vote to count. As we saw with 2020, the vote counting was halted on election night is key states. This allowed the traitors to manufacture enough votes to swing the results of those who cast their vote on election day. In contrast, early voters already had their votes registered and counted. As the cheat is in for the next election, THEY ARE COUNTING ON US TO VOTE ON ELECTION DAY ONLY.

Voting early seems counter intuitive (to me) and yet the vast majority of dems do indeed, vote early. The linked organization has begun a grass-roots effort to register voters, specifically, Republicans who move to a new state since the last election and may not have yet registered to vote.

The call to action is getting boots on the ground, so to speak, to get these folks registered...especially in key swing states. Efforts in this endeavor has resulted in a 25% net success rate after reaching out to new residents via Register to Vote post cards. That's 25% more than we would have had without the effort...

Ultimately, I have complete faith in God's plan but if there is something I can do to help it along, I'm all in.