I have been in the presence of a bad entity and it did have an odor connected to it. Like a dirty garbage can. If you ever want to know if someone who has demon energy is in your presence, see who leaves immediately when you say " In the name of Jesus Christ, I demand all who are unclean to depart from me". If nwxessary insert " I command you to touch me not" . It sure creates a line in the sand all around you. It could even save your very life.
I have been in the presence of a bad entity and it did have an odor connected to it. Like a dirty garbage can. If you ever want to know if someone who has demon energy is in your presence, see who leaves immediately when you say " In the name of Jesus Christ, I demand all who are unclean to depart from me". If nwxessary insert " I command you to touch me not" . It sure creates a line in the sand all around you. It could even save your very life.