Anybody know what those ropes mean or have any insight into their religion/traditions?
They're called tzitzit.
Were they solid white or were they blue and white?
If solid white, they were Ashekenazi Jews.
If blue and white, they were Sephardi Jews.
Tzitzit (tseet-tseet or TSIT-sis) are the strings, or fringes, tied to each of the four corners of a tallit, or prayer shawl. They are widely considered a reminder, not unlike a string around one’s finger, to think of God at all times.
Tzitzit fulfill the following commandment in Numbers 15:37-38, in the Torah portion called Parshat Shlah:
Speak to the Israelite people and instruct them to make for themselves fringes on the corners of their garments throughout the ages; let them attach a cord of blue to the fringe at each corner. That shall be your fringe; look at it and recall all the commandments of the LORD and observe them, so that you do not follow your heart and eyes in your lustful urge. Thus you shall be reminded to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God.
They're called tzitzit.
Were they solid white or were they blue and white?
If solid white, they were Ashekenazi Jews.
If blue and white, they were Sephardi Jews.
Oh wow, thanks for this! They were definitely all white. I never saw any blue.