posted ago by magachudd ago by magachudd +20 / -0

Why does the DS all of the sudden want border walls? To keep people out or to keep people in?

All of these migrants coming in from Africa, China, and Middle East, etc. Did they hit their goal and now time to lock us all in? Look at Israel and Gaza locking it all down so no one comes nor goes.

Are we going to see blue helmets emerge here in the US? Are they preparing for plandemic #2 and will use the blue helmets to round us up? And if that doesnt work then just declare MAGA as terrorists officially and use that as the round up trigger?

Also, is it not reasonable to question supporting Israel? Doesn't this all seem so fishy considering what we know about Mossad, the CIA, etc? And now we see many of the folks we trust throwing their support behind Israel? And by Israel, I am not referring to God's Israel, I'm talking about Rothschild's Israel.

All curious.