Hey guys. I have been out of town and away from any phone signal for a week or so. I heard that something had happened in Israel while I was gone, but no way to confirm/verify through my normal means. I've skimmed a bit now that I'm back and have a vague notion of what's going on, however I feel like I'm still way behind.
I trust this community the most. Would anyone care to give me a quick TLDR on what happened last week, from GAW's perspective anyway?
Does this q post 916 seem relevant?
Great question, great answer.
Thank you.
There are also a few posts, pointing out fake war footage coming out of Israel, that are worth checking out. And some musings about how the timing dovetails so seamlessly with Ukraine funding being cut off. I'm sure they'll get reposted and you'll catch up soon.
Three pieces to this: Iran’s plan and Israel’s plan and the DS’s plan. I don’t think Iran’s genocide plan is ready to go yet. Only 6 nukes. Need more to threaten the Saudi oil fields to prevent retaliation. I think the DS initiated this for multiple reasons including the US news cycle. Israel is looking to take advantage of this to wipe out the West Bank. Reality plus Israeli false flags to whip up the emotions to a fever pitch.
Yup, add 40 baby heads into the mix this morning.
Israel is simply a sovereign nation trying to get along in the world.
Israel is used by globalist agenda manipulators to gain the minds of the masses.
The meme of saying no to taking a side in MSM manipulations fits.