MY VOTE, I kept thinking my vote mattered. I feel like a chump. 30+ years trying to contribute to my governance... what a massive waste of time. My government was selected not elected. I still vote but with an eye twords how are they cheating now. Even my local city government is stealing from the people. My property taxes are now higher than my mortgage payment. WTF!!!! I DON'T EVEN OWN MY HOME. IM JUST A RENTER NOW. THEIR IS MORE TO LIFE THAN PAYING TAXES AND DIEING.
MY VOTE, I kept thinking my vote mattered. I feel like a chump. 30+ years trying to contribute to my governance... what a massive waste of time. My government was selected not elected. I still vote but with an eye twords how are they cheating now. Even my local city government is stealing from the people. My property taxes are now higher than my mortgage payment. WTF!!!! I DON'T EVEN OWN MY HOME. IM JUST A RENTER NOW. THEIR IS MORE TO LIFE THAN PAYING TAXES AND DIEING.