I haven't posted anything recently...keeping a low profile - but for those of you here who think it's just "donuts" what's the BFD - please.
Every single one of those donut-ers are carrying. They do and did so in Sacramento, a major BLM stronghold. One man recently in a new pickup coming home who tried to pass them, went home - they followed and SET HIS TRUCK ON FIRE. Luckily they didn't do his home.
Many times in the past months emergency vechicles couldn't get through and patients died.
The DONUTS around large cities - have escalated to the max in recent months, and if you think BLM and Antifa are not behind that, doing their practice runs, WAKE UP.
THis is all prep.
If you still think DONUTS are harmless, you're as asleep at the wheel as those Nova festival goers, whatever you think of how that went down.
So please, do not say that and let others believe DONUTS are harmless. They are the first step in taking over vital arteries. And the rest of the piled up traffic are sitting ducks. Just like the festival.
I still remember the days when the industrial music scene was referred to as right-leaning and wondered "by whose definition? Aside from liking military chic clothing most of the musicians were as liberal as they came."
I haven't posted anything recently...keeping a low profile - but for those of you here who think it's just "donuts" what's the BFD - please.
Every single one of those donut-ers are carrying. They do and did so in Sacramento, a major BLM stronghold. One man recently in a new pickup coming home who tried to pass them, went home - they followed and SET HIS TRUCK ON FIRE. Luckily they didn't do his home.
Many times in the past months emergency vechicles couldn't get through and patients died.
The DONUTS around large cities - have escalated to the max in recent months, and if you think BLM and Antifa are not behind that, doing their practice runs, WAKE UP.
THis is all prep.
If you still think DONUTS are harmless, you're as asleep at the wheel as those Nova festival goers, whatever you think of how that went down.
So please, do not say that and let others believe DONUTS are harmless. They are the first step in taking over vital arteries. And the rest of the piled up traffic are sitting ducks. Just like the festival.
I still remember the days when the industrial music scene was referred to as right-leaning and wondered "by whose definition? Aside from liking military chic clothing most of the musicians were as liberal as they came."
What is DONUTS? I know there are a group of terrorists but why did you call them like that?
Are you from outside the US or did you leave your sarcasm tag off... If the former: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doughnut_(driving)
Oh now I know Doughnut. I am not from outside I am a US citizen like you are. I have been in Great awakening since ages ago. By the way God bless.