The question at hand - Bible says to pray for the Jews - those who bless God's people will be blessed - those who curse will be cursed.
We can't argue with the Bible and what God says in it.
So how do we reconcile that with the fact that all behavior from "Israel" should not just be blindly supported? What if they just go around melting hoards of innocent people? Still support them?
Normie land wants to suggest yes.
But - that simply doesn't make sense. Why would God want us to blindly support Jews just because they're "Jews" - even if they're committing horrible atrocities?
Hence - where the other things in the Bible - which you've laid out here - come into play.
"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you." Rev 3:9
And now - we have understanding about this form of "Israel" out there who can be the bad guys - and still fit into what the Bible says will happen and God's command for us to bless the Jews. say we can’t question the Bible means Revelations 22: 18-19 needs to be read. If anyone adds or takes away items from the Bible, He tells you what will happen to them. God knew they would add and remove items from the Bible. Our job is to use discernment and study it, which hardly anyone does. The Bible is clear who the evil ones are...the Edomites. What have they changed? Who are the chosen ones? For real?
Take a look at this source:
And there are many more sites like this one.
This is a HOT topic of discussion in my house.
The question at hand - Bible says to pray for the Jews - those who bless God's people will be blessed - those who curse will be cursed.
We can't argue with the Bible and what God says in it.
So how do we reconcile that with the fact that all behavior from "Israel" should not just be blindly supported? What if they just go around melting hoards of innocent people? Still support them?
Normie land wants to suggest yes.
But - that simply doesn't make sense. Why would God want us to blindly support Jews just because they're "Jews" - even if they're committing horrible atrocities?
Hence - where the other things in the Bible - which you've laid out here - come into play.
"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you." Rev 3:9
And now - we have understanding about this form of "Israel" out there who can be the bad guys - and still fit into what the Bible says will happen and God's command for us to bless the Jews.
Excellent stuff - thank you! say we can’t question the Bible means Revelations 22: 18-19 needs to be read. If anyone adds or takes away items from the Bible, He tells you what will happen to them. God knew they would add and remove items from the Bible. Our job is to use discernment and study it, which hardly anyone does. The Bible is clear who the evil ones are...the Edomites. What have they changed? Who are the chosen ones? For real?
Take a look at this source: And there are many more sites like this one.
Pray or those who are Hebrews, and of the line of David, and of the 12 Tribes of Gods Israel....
What verse are you quoting when you say 'Bible says to pray for the Jews'?
Nothing specific, just in Proverbs, when you DO good things for your Enemies, it is like pouring Hot Coals on their heads....