I often think about what Paul wrote: now we see dimly as in a mirror. THEN we will see face to face. Now I know in part, then I will know fully, even as I am known.
There are many parts of the scripture that were not understood, because the time was not ripe (IMO).
Regarding the fall, the flesh and lineage, one can use the analogy of a building. Humanity was created to be the vessel, the body - the temple - of God in the universe. God's purpose of creation is to experience love in the universe through dwelling in human beings, his children.
So, think about a building - a temple. If a holy man builds the building and dwells in it, it is holy. But if he were taken and murdered, and an evil man came to dwell in it instead, then the building becomes evil, defiled. There is no change in the building itself, but only in the purpose and who owns it, who uses it.
Another point worth reflecting on: in scripture, God told Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die". But Adam ate the fruit and then lived for 400+ years (biblically). So did God lie? No. The death caused by the fall was spiritual death. Adam and Eve DID die when they ate the fruit.
What is physical death? It is when the connection between the spirit and the flesh is severed, and the flesh can no longer house or respond to the spirit.
What is spiritual death? It is a human being being cut off from God's love and light. It is falling from the spiritual realm where God is the center into the realm where Satan is the center. It is moving from God's sovereignty to Satan's sovereignty.
So Adam and Eve did die when they ate 'the fruit' - aka had the sexual love relationship with Lucifer (Adam only indirectly with Eve, but he inherited fallen nature from her).
What is resurrection? It is moving from Death to Life. It is moving from the spiritual realm Satan is Lord (aka spiritual death) to the realm where God is Lord (spiritual life).
The nature of the Fall and what happened, and the issues of death, resurrection, rebirth and salvation, are all deeply intertwined.
It's interesting, isn't it.
I often think about what Paul wrote: now we see dimly as in a mirror. THEN we will see face to face. Now I know in part, then I will know fully, even as I am known.
There are many parts of the scripture that were not understood, because the time was not ripe (IMO).
Regarding the fall, the flesh and lineage, one can use the analogy of a building. Humanity was created to be the vessel, the body - the temple - of God in the universe. God's purpose of creation is to experience love in the universe through dwelling in human beings, his children.
So, think about a building - a temple. If a holy man builds the building and dwells in it, it is holy. But if he were taken and murdered, and an evil man came to dwell in it instead, then the building becomes evil, defiled. There is no change in the building itself, but only in the purpose and who owns it, who uses it.
Another point worth reflecting on: in scripture, God told Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die". But Adam ate the fruit and then lived for 400+ years (biblically). So did God lie? No. The death caused by the fall was spiritual death. Adam and Eve DID die when they ate the fruit.
What is physical death? It is when the connection between the spirit and the flesh is severed, and the flesh can no longer house or respond to the spirit.
What is spiritual death? It is a human being being cut off from God's love and light. It is falling from the spiritual realm where God is the center into the realm where Satan is the center. It is moving from God's sovereignty to Satan's sovereignty.
So Adam and Eve did die when they ate 'the fruit' - aka had the sexual love relationship with Lucifer (Adam only indirectly with Eve, but he inherited fallen nature from her).
What is resurrection? It is moving from Death to Life. It is moving from the spiritual realm Satan is Lord (aka spiritual death) to the realm where God is Lord (spiritual life).
The nature of the Fall and what happened, and the issues of death, resurrection, rebirth and salvation, are all deeply intertwined.