A great interview from Tucker Carlson..... especially when he discusses what organically makes a nation. Some of you may recall from school that the evolution of creating a nation starts with the family. The greater family becomes the clan, which then becomes the tribe, and finally a nation. This has always been the natural process of a nation with its form of government.
Under terms of conquest and servitude, warlike nations will impose their will on conquered nations. Often these nations are uprooted and divided. Artificial boundaries are established for the purpose of dividing its people from their kin, tribe, clan, and family. Colonial Africa and the Indian subcontinent are examples of this. However, this has occurred well before the Europeans ever did this.
More recently, Marxism has dictated a new version of biblical forced emigration and immigration. From Babylon times to prior Assyrian captivity, the forced emigration/immigration has been recognized. In the Soviet Union, forced emigration/immigration was used to weaken family-clan relationships in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, and other regions of the Soviet Republic. From biblical times to the present, the purpose has always been the same for erasing a nation and replacing it with a weakened, disparate, and discordant people. In Marxism, we first see the State-sponsored propaganda welcoming foreigners as strengthening the nation's economy. Diversity was heralded as a strength for progress. We now see it fully unfolded and officially accepted in in the United States.
The official government policy since the Clinton presidency has been the Cloward-Piven scheme. This is blueprint that has been the unofficial policy enacted in the United States to this day. Tucker Carlson and no other reporter talks about this. Yet, it is plainly obvious this is the policy scheme for unlimited immigration in the United States. I really have no answer why this is never mentioned by top-tier reporters like Tucker Carlson.
The comments are on fire.