Whether you consider the Devil to be a real thing, or merely a mental/cultural construct - consider the following;
The Devil is the ultimate fool. Anyone who follows him is destroyed. Nothing survives. Nothing is accomplished.
Seeking power that accomplishes nothing is not actually power. It is impotence.
It is the opposite of power. It is a cosmic tantrum. Full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
The devilish trap is well described: https://t.me/DDGeopolitics/86124
Attacks by the Hamas militant group were likely a ploy to lure Israel into a costly ground invasion of Gaza, the former head of Britain's MI6 spy agency said.
Alex Younger, who served as the head of the UK's foreign intelligence service from 2014 to 2020, gave his comments in an interview on the BBC's "The Today Podcast."
💬 *"I absolutely understand and endorse Israel's right to defend themselves in the circumstances, and indeed to restore the credibility of those defenses, so that that sense of psychological safety can be restored to the people.
But here's the thing, you shouldn't do what your enemy wants you to do,...
...And it's really obvious now that Hamas are essentially laying a trap for Israel, And [it] will be well pleased if Israel commits itself to an open-ended, full-scale ground invasion of Gaza because of the scale and intensity of conflict that that would entail, and the loss of innocent life that would inevitably follow and the radicalization that would engender, and the extent to which will put Israel's allies and partners in the region in an impossible position."*
This morning I found this on a slip of paper in the straw of the doorway of my chicken house. How it got there is unclear as I didn't see it obviously there last night when I fed them and locked them up for the night - hmmmm.
It was so appropriate I had to share it with you. It is good advice in the current world:
"Go home to your friends and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful He has been, Mark 5:19"
The Devil as such is on both sides. The only way to win is to not play the game.
By the way: This may be why Russia didn't simply take Kiev at the start of the Ukraine operation. They play chess and they are mostly Christian. They probably recognized the trap and/or the devilish consequences.
They seek personal power, but to get that they give up power to others. It is in effect a deal with the devil and a deception on them. They dominate others but are dominated themselves.
Thus their power to them means nothing. They lose what they most crave.
Hunter Biden is a good example: He is seeking money and power and drugs and still he's pathetic and enslaved like his father.
They seek to enslave others and they create grief for us but we are in reality more free than they are. Thus it is with everyone who follows that path.
There is a hierarchy, but it is possible to both gain power and give up power at the same time, at least as "power" is measured by society. We The People begin with zero power (not really, but in the framework of the society they constructed we do). Everyone is taught that someone is their sovereign (a lie, but almost everyone believes it). Most of the Cabal reduce those with authority over them to just a few people.
They only have to answer to a few. We have to answer to everyone. By any reasonable measure in our society, it is not an illusion that they gain power by their choices, or perhaps a better way of saying it is, they live in less of an illusion than the rest of humanity.
Perhaps, but almost no one realizes this, thus it is true for almost no one. What is "ultimately true" is utterly meaningless unless a person realizes it. It is choice that gives us our freedom. We must choose to be free. While the path to freedom is there, it is there for them as well. They choose a path to both power and freedom, and they accomplish it. For those who sit at the top of the food chain that statement is even more applicable. Are they completely free? For most of them maybe not, but it depends on how you mean the term. Ultimately they are just as much as we are, except they realize it more, so they are, on average, more free than we are.
Yes, ultimately, we are all the Kings and Queens of our own lives. There is no higher authority than us for our own Jurisdiction. Very few of us realize it. Many more of them realize it. It is part of their religion.
You assume they "don't get it." Most of them do. That is how they justify their actions. Yes, most of them answer to someone, but it's really more of an appreciation that there are always consequences for actions than that they are "enslaved". Their religion teaches the truth; that they are the Ultimate Authority in their own lives. That is exactly how they do what they do. That they still "answer" to someone is just a consequence of the hierarchical structure, which they accept. But most of them are not enslaved in the way you mean it, they simply accept that the system is what it is. Inside of themselves (at least by the tenets of their religion), they recognize that they are free, the Ultimate Authority of their lives.
Hunter Biden is a terrible example because he is a slime ball. I mean, they are all evil, but Hunter Biden has enslaved himself to his addictions. Not all do that. Many do not. Biden is also far, far down on the totem pole. You need to look higher to really appreciate what they do, what they believe, who they are.