The Israelites who followed Moses out of bondage witnessed with their own eyes the Plagues of Egypt, the Pillars of Cloud and Fire, and the parting of the Red Sea, yet shortly after fell to the temptation of idolatry in the form of the golden calf they made. We have not seen such acute physical manifestations of the power of God as what those Israelites saw, yet we have great faith in Him. We should be grateful for such a blessing as faith in the Lord. Having faith that we’ve been blessed with faith creates a positive feedback loop that can keep us from getting lost.
The Israelites who followed Moses out of bondage witnessed with their own eyes the Plagues of Egypt, the Pillars of Cloud and Fire, and the parting of the Red Sea, yet shortly after fell to the temptation of idolatry in the form of the golden calf they made. We have not seen such acute physical manifestations of the power of God as what those Israelites saw, yet we have great faith in Him. We should be grateful for such a blessing as faith in the Lord. Having faith that we’ve been blessed with faith creates a positive feedback loop that can keep us from getting lost.