To me, the LGBTV is a slam on Hollywood and all the brain-dead apocalyptic zombies being spoon-fed this perversion....... Yea, it's about 80 percent of the people there. As far as MAGA being a cult of 80 percent, I'm not appreciative of the terminology, bu can except that percentage too. To me, it sounds about right. I might not agree with all he says, but there's a lot of good information presented there for anyone to discern. I believe he gets the Israel thing
I don't think you read this much... I stopped at its mentioning "the two cults, MAGA and LGBTV, controlling 80% of the country"
Yeah, I read the blog but he has TDS bad, black pill is a bitch. Poor thing, he'll never admit the truth even when it hits him in the face.
To me, the LGBTV is a slam on Hollywood and all the brain-dead apocalyptic zombies being spoon-fed this perversion....... Yea, it's about 80 percent of the people there. As far as MAGA being a cult of 80 percent, I'm not appreciative of the terminology, bu can except that percentage too. To me, it sounds about right. I might not agree with all he says, but there's a lot of good information presented there for anyone to discern. I believe he gets the Israel thing