If the president/resident is wearing cheap store-bought pants instead of something tailored, something is wrong. Also reminds me of Eddie Murphy's routine:
The president need his medicin'
The guy's running the (arguably) most power nation on earth? GET THAT MAN WHAT HE NEEDS!
Like, if Trump suddenly has a craving for Rocky Road ice cream, or the dude has a rash on his arm that's pissing him off, what do you do? You go buy him some fucking ice cream, or your drive to CVS, avoid the sex toys, and bring the POTUS some maximum strength hydrocortisone!
Maybe one of those other posters is correct, and Biden needed a quick pair of trousers as he fouled his other ones. :(
It reminds of that scene in Heroes:
If the president/resident is wearing cheap store-bought pants instead of something tailored, something is wrong. Also reminds me of Eddie Murphy's routine:
The guy's running the (arguably) most power nation on earth? GET THAT MAN WHAT HE NEEDS!
Like, if Trump suddenly has a craving for Rocky Road ice cream, or the dude has a rash on his arm that's pissing him off, what do you do? You go buy him some fucking ice cream, or your drive to CVS, avoid the sex toys, and bring the POTUS some maximum strength hydrocortisone!
Maybe one of those other posters is correct, and Biden needed a quick pair of trousers as he fouled his other ones. :(