I'm 71! Got 2 shots in 1952. Autism was unheard when I was growing up. Today - I believe if parents follow the vaccine schedule their children will receive between 60 & 70 by the time they are adults. The autism rate today I'm told is 1 in 35! This is the true pandemic.
In my 50's and I only remember one Autistic kid growing up. Now my wife works at school in Special Ed and there are at least a dozen kids per school building with various crippling levels.
I'm 71! Got 2 shots in 1952. Autism was unheard when I was growing up. Today - I believe if parents follow the vaccine schedule their children will receive between 60 & 70 by the time they are adults. The autism rate today I'm told is 1 in 35! This is the true pandemic.
In my 50's and I only remember one Autistic kid growing up. Now my wife works at school in Special Ed and there are at least a dozen kids per school building with various crippling levels.
The data seems to indicate there's a correlation between the # of vaccines and the autism rate yet most would deny the connection.