"Some disinformation necessary", I think is the quote
Until the Big T-man stops confirming Q with every freakin' statement he makes, and until Dan stops hitting the posts with every comm, I will continue to comfort my neighbors and friends with this information revealed to me, giving them hope and encouraging all of us to act locally, be poll-watchers or candidates, and vote like hell!
Black-pilled Patriots tend to do nothing but rock softly back and forth, which is what the Deep State and Cabal want. White Pill yourself and others, and take action!
Earlier before the truth about the Deep State was widespread it was vital that we not take up arms. Anyone who did would have been locked away or killed and the public would not have understood what is going on.
Now that everything is out there in the public domain perhaps it is time for a shift in strategy.
Perhaps this is his way of telling us to enter the new phase.
Believing in the military kept us from action and thus safe. Perhaps that was a disinformation needed to get us to here.
Took me a minute to follow your comment, but I'm with you.
To keep us from going off and forming militia all over, storming after the corrupt, and getting ourselves killed and making our side look like crazy murderers, there was a certain ammount of disinformation needed to keep us from doing just that.
Basically taught us patience and to not fly off the handle, so we don't all get rounded up as "domestic terrorists".
There is a lot of truth to this. I remember people around jan 6 were so riled, many took their guns with them, but left them at the hotels.
There was so many FBI on the Donald.win you could spot em by the dozen.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.
"Some disinformation necessary", I think is the quote
Until the Big T-man stops confirming Q with every freakin' statement he makes, and until Dan stops hitting the posts with every comm, I will continue to comfort my neighbors and friends with this information revealed to me, giving them hope and encouraging all of us to act locally, be poll-watchers or candidates, and vote like hell!
Black-pilled Patriots tend to do nothing but rock softly back and forth, which is what the Deep State and Cabal want. White Pill yourself and others, and take action!
Earlier before the truth about the Deep State was widespread it was vital that we not take up arms. Anyone who did would have been locked away or killed and the public would not have understood what is going on.
Now that everything is out there in the public domain perhaps it is time for a shift in strategy.
Perhaps this is his way of telling us to enter the new phase.
Believing in the military kept us from action and thus safe. Perhaps that was a disinformation needed to get us to here.
Took me a minute to follow your comment, but I'm with you.
To keep us from going off and forming militia all over, storming after the corrupt, and getting ourselves killed and making our side look like crazy murderers, there was a certain ammount of disinformation needed to keep us from doing just that.
Basically taught us patience and to not fly off the handle, so we don't all get rounded up as "domestic terrorists".
There is a lot of truth to this. I remember people around jan 6 were so riled, many took their guns with them, but left them at the hotels. There was so many FBI on the Donald.win you could spot em by the dozen.
We litterally dodged the bullet on that one.