“A Year-Long Analysis: Revealed that from 01/01 - 12/31 of 2022, At Least 349 kindergarten through 12th-grade educators were arrested on child sex crimes. The 349 educators included 5 principals, 3 assistant principals, 290 teachers, 26 substitute teachers, 25 teachers’ aides. 262 involved students.
🧐 Pizzagate 🤔
Contrary to what is pushed by the MSN, pedos do not operate alone. They operate where there is a network (protection). They look for targets in schools, poor communities, and places where they know they will get protected. Where you find one there are always more.
There was an interview from 1984 with a chicago police oficer who talked about his interrogations with several pedophiles. He said at the time that one commonality is 95% keep polaroids or some kind of photographs of their victims. They never call them victims and they always insist it was the child that seduced them. None of them ever take responsibility for their actions. They always insist it was the child who initiated. Yes, even a three year old "initiated" in their delusions.
They choose targets very carefully and groom them. The biggest deterrent is a strong father. They avoid kids with strong and observant fathers. This is one reason pedos deeply despise strong fathers in families because they are a threat to pedos.
The children of single mothers are a major target for them. They find the mother easy to "charm" in order to get close.
They scout at schools or places where kids gather for potential targets. Schools in areas with a lot of broken families and/or parents working all the time are prime targets for these networks. They look for kids who are lonely and a bit of an outcast.
They start with flattering the kid, winning their trust, and then slowly introduce their real agenda. By that time the kid is very confused and starts to believe their lies that it is "love". Many victims end up defending the pedophile because they have been deeply manipulated by the initial grooming. It's insidious and evil on so many levels.
Great post. Thank you.