The worst thing black people will ever do is start a actual shooting war with white people, and I'm sorry to say it, but any civil like war will devolve into a whites vs browns war. because color is one thing you can differentiate at a distance. You can fib about you religion, and lie about you loyalties, but you can't hide skin color, and blacks will be killing anybody that don't look like them. Whites will be forced to operate on the same level. When the cities are burned out, and blacks start hitting the suburbs, they will not fair well, but I sure would not want to be a white man in a big city area.
During the first covid lockdown, there were a lot of based blacks posting powerful videos on Twitter.
One of my favorites was a young black woman, explaining to a "Karen" how she was not a victim. That she has a great job, owned a house , drove a nice vehicle, etc. The Karen was arguing with her, insisting that she is a victim. It was awesome!
This was when I found out about the Tuskegee Experiment. The blacks never forgot. Many wouldn't get the shots. The gov was trying to figure out how to con them into taking it because of this.
The worst thing black people will ever do is start a actual shooting war with white people, and I'm sorry to say it, but any civil like war will devolve into a whites vs browns war. because color is one thing you can differentiate at a distance. You can fib about you religion, and lie about you loyalties, but you can't hide skin color, and blacks will be killing anybody that don't look like them. Whites will be forced to operate on the same level. When the cities are burned out, and blacks start hitting the suburbs, they will not fair well, but I sure would not want to be a white man in a big city area.
The race division is a myth. Don't fall for it.
First of all, Q said blacks will abandon the Democrats. That has already begun.
Second, for decades the black population has been way ahead of everyone else regarding government conspiracies against the people. Just ask them.
They are very perceptive about conspiracies, and are more open to the Q movement than most people you'll meet.
During the first covid lockdown, there were a lot of based blacks posting powerful videos on Twitter.
One of my favorites was a young black woman, explaining to a "Karen" how she was not a victim. That she has a great job, owned a house , drove a nice vehicle, etc. The Karen was arguing with her, insisting that she is a victim. It was awesome!
They came after blank & brown people real hard to get them jabbed.
This was when I found out about the Tuskegee Experiment. The blacks never forgot. Many wouldn't get the shots. The gov was trying to figure out how to con them into taking it because of this.
Fool me once...