Listen to Glenn Beck explain why Egypt and Jordan do not accept refugees from Palestine. No wonder they don't. History has clearly shown the mentality and ethics of Palestinians
Or is it because the leaders of these Countries such as Egypt have been paid heavily in advance by Soros, and the US government to refuse Palestinian refugees? Why you might ask? To infiltrate the millions of palestinians in United States along with the 10s of thousands that are coming over the border illegaly each and every day. After all open borders was one of the goals in Hillarys contributions to the 16 year plan that she never had a chance to carry out. Now Obama is in hyper speed to destroy America by 2024. The borders are out of control at the moment and much much worse.
As for the Palestinians, im certain their way of life is not similar to the west. This does not mean they are horrible people that nobody wants. Sure there are those more extreme than others, but there are such in every country. 65% of the Gaza Palestinian population are under the age of 26. They live in the Gaza rubble surrounded by a chain link fence, and treated like caged animals. israel only alows minimal rations into Gaza and Israeli planes fly over their heads all day long, while the pilots take in data on the behaviour of the Palestinians, ensuring none of them are acting out or behaving in suspicious ways.
Some people are quick to point out that Israel has given the citizens of Gaza plenty of time to evacuate and that them remaining only to be killed is to no fault except their own. To those i say, the Palestinians understand that if they leave Gaza and walk away into the desert, that Israel will NEVER let them return. And Gaza is the closest thing to their ancestry land Palestine which has now become Israel.
The Balfour Declaration was granted to the Rothchilds in 1917 as Palestine being a national home to the Jewish People. Although the Rabbis were not supportive in the return to Palestine, the Zionists had the support of the British Crown as early as 1841 and they were funded by the Rothchilds.
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country"
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
In 1917, under the Balfour Declaration, the British Troops started seizing control of Palestine on behalf of the Zionists.
In 1947, the UN granted parts of Palestine to the Zionists. Between 1947 and 1949 Palestinians were made refugees and kicked out of the homes of their ancestors. Villages were destroyed, and thousands of Palestinians were murdered in a series of murders known as the Nakba. The Zionists killed Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
I havent read the article yet, but it came out today, with the son of a member of Hamas coming out and talking about Hamas being a Paid for Psy Op. That might sound crazy, but these are the words from Netanyahu hinlmself back in 2019.
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy."
And Samuel Hersh released an article he wrote on October 12th stating.
“Bibi was always opposed to the 1993 Oslo Accords,” the insider said, which initially gave the Palestinian Authority nominal control over both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When he returned to office in 2009, the insider said, “Bibi chose to support Hamas” as an alternative to the Palestinian Authority, “and gave them money and established them in Gaza.”
An arrangement was made with Qatar, which began sending hundreds of millions of dollars to the Hamas leadership with Israeli approval. The insider told me that “Bibi was convinced that he would have more control over Hamas with the Qatari money—let them occasionally fire rockets into southern Israel and have access to jobs inside Israel—than he would with the Palestinian Authority. He took that risk.
Im not saying all the Palestinians are innocent, or that they are all good people, but the Khazarians have their Mossad agents everywhere, they can be people who you least expect. When it comes to Khazarian propaganda, well things in the mirror may be different than what they appear. The Khazarian Jews own the Media, the Government, Hollyweird. The Bolchevicks in the Soviet Union (Majority of them Jews), the CCP and comunism in China (introduced into China by Jews) and even WW1, WW2.
Hitler cooperated with the eventual founders of Israel from 1933 onward; Nazism was essentially another Zionist operation, funded byRothschild-circle-of-International-Bankers and key corporations on Wall Street.
Hitler was tasked, — with the help of IBM from the month he came to power in March, 1933, — with identifying and/or rounding up as many everyday Jews as possible in order to immediately — or eventually — get them down to Palestine for the eventual takeover. The takeover by “Israel” happened in 1948, three years after World War II ended, and Hitler was shuffled off the world stage.
I have been doing lots of research in regards to understanding WW2 and how the khazarians were involved. Not only was Hitler, funded by the Khazarians (Rothchilds),but when you look at the term NAZI, the NA stands for Nationalists (Who were the German Nationalists) and the ZI stands for Zionists.
I hope you enjoyed my Novel Fren. I really did not plan on this being this long. 😆
Extremely great writeup. It's also important to note that Hitler potentially could have been a Rothschild bastard. Also Ron Paul many years ago was saying the US and Israel helped create Hamas.
He was a bastard. His grandmother Matild Schuekelgruber, a servant at the Rothschild’s mansion had an illegimate son with Lionel Nathan Rothschild (22 Nov. 1808 - 3 June 1879) named Alois Schuekelgruber (7 June 1837 - 3 January 1903).
This is all very confused. Whatever may have transpired between grandparents does not make the grandchild a "bastard."
And the supposed liaison is not credible. Lionel de Rothschild lived in Great Britain. Though he was in Germany for university in Gottingen (northern Germany, not Austria), he finished with that by 1836, when he married his first cousin and had his first child (a daughter) in 1837. Alois Hitler was born in 1837 in lower Austria from a 42-year-old mother. Lionel de Rothschild would have been 29 years old, living in another country. Time, space, and circumstances make the supposed parentage impossible. Anons should know better.
As it turned out, Johan Georg Hitler was legally declared Alois Hitler's father, as substantiated by the testimony of 3 family members who were present when Johan Georg had declared this fact. (Alois was born of the mother before she and Johan Georg were married, thus the "illegitimate" status up to that point.)
Adolf Hitler was Alois Hitler's 4th child from his 3rd wife, and NOT a Shicklgruber.
Listen to Glenn Beck explain why Egypt and Jordan do not accept refugees from Palestine. No wonder they don't. History has clearly shown the mentality and ethics of Palestinians
Or is it because the leaders of these Countries such as Egypt have been paid heavily in advance by Soros, and the US government to refuse Palestinian refugees? Why you might ask? To infiltrate the millions of palestinians in United States along with the 10s of thousands that are coming over the border illegaly each and every day. After all open borders was one of the goals in Hillarys contributions to the 16 year plan that she never had a chance to carry out. Now Obama is in hyper speed to destroy America by 2024. The borders are out of control at the moment and much much worse.
As for the Palestinians, im certain their way of life is not similar to the west. This does not mean they are horrible people that nobody wants. Sure there are those more extreme than others, but there are such in every country. 65% of the Gaza Palestinian population are under the age of 26. They live in the Gaza rubble surrounded by a chain link fence, and treated like caged animals. israel only alows minimal rations into Gaza and Israeli planes fly over their heads all day long, while the pilots take in data on the behaviour of the Palestinians, ensuring none of them are acting out or behaving in suspicious ways.
Some people are quick to point out that Israel has given the citizens of Gaza plenty of time to evacuate and that them remaining only to be killed is to no fault except their own. To those i say, the Palestinians understand that if they leave Gaza and walk away into the desert, that Israel will NEVER let them return. And Gaza is the closest thing to their ancestry land Palestine which has now become Israel.
The Balfour Declaration was granted to the Rothchilds in 1917 as Palestine being a national home to the Jewish People. Although the Rabbis were not supportive in the return to Palestine, the Zionists had the support of the British Crown as early as 1841 and they were funded by the Rothchilds.
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country"
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
In 1917, under the Balfour Declaration, the British Troops started seizing control of Palestine on behalf of the Zionists.
In 1947, the UN granted parts of Palestine to the Zionists. Between 1947 and 1949 Palestinians were made refugees and kicked out of the homes of their ancestors. Villages were destroyed, and thousands of Palestinians were murdered in a series of murders known as the Nakba. The Zionists killed Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
I havent read the article yet, but it came out today, with the son of a member of Hamas coming out and talking about Hamas being a Paid for Psy Op. That might sound crazy, but these are the words from Netanyahu hinlmself back in 2019.
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy."
And Samuel Hersh released an article he wrote on October 12th stating.
“Bibi was always opposed to the 1993 Oslo Accords,” the insider said, which initially gave the Palestinian Authority nominal control over both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When he returned to office in 2009, the insider said, “Bibi chose to support Hamas” as an alternative to the Palestinian Authority, “and gave them money and established them in Gaza.”
An arrangement was made with Qatar, which began sending hundreds of millions of dollars to the Hamas leadership with Israeli approval. The insider told me that “Bibi was convinced that he would have more control over Hamas with the Qatari money—let them occasionally fire rockets into southern Israel and have access to jobs inside Israel—than he would with the Palestinian Authority. He took that risk.
Im not saying all the Palestinians are innocent, or that they are all good people, but the Khazarians have their Mossad agents everywhere, they can be people who you least expect. When it comes to Khazarian propaganda, well things in the mirror may be different than what they appear. The Khazarian Jews own the Media, the Government, Hollyweird. The Bolchevicks in the Soviet Union (Majority of them Jews), the CCP and comunism in China (introduced into China by Jews) and even WW1, WW2.
Hitler cooperated with the eventual founders of Israel from 1933 onward; Nazism was essentially another Zionist operation, funded byRothschild-circle-of-International-Bankers and key corporations on Wall Street.
Hitler was tasked, — with the help of IBM from the month he came to power in March, 1933, — with identifying and/or rounding up as many everyday Jews as possible in order to immediately — or eventually — get them down to Palestine for the eventual takeover. The takeover by “Israel” happened in 1948, three years after World War II ended, and Hitler was shuffled off the world stage.
I have been doing lots of research in regards to understanding WW2 and how the khazarians were involved. Not only was Hitler, funded by the Khazarians (Rothchilds),but when you look at the term NAZI, the NA stands for Nationalists (Who were the German Nationalists) and the ZI stands for Zionists.
I hope you enjoyed my Novel Fren. I really did not plan on this being this long. 😆
Extremely great writeup. It's also important to note that Hitler potentially could have been a Rothschild bastard. Also Ron Paul many years ago was saying the US and Israel helped create Hamas.
He was a bastard. His grandmother Matild Schuekelgruber, a servant at the Rothschild’s mansion had an illegimate son with Lionel Nathan Rothschild (22 Nov. 1808 - 3 June 1879) named Alois Schuekelgruber (7 June 1837 - 3 January 1903).
This is all very confused. Whatever may have transpired between grandparents does not make the grandchild a "bastard."
And the supposed liaison is not credible. Lionel de Rothschild lived in Great Britain. Though he was in Germany for university in Gottingen (northern Germany, not Austria), he finished with that by 1836, when he married his first cousin and had his first child (a daughter) in 1837. Alois Hitler was born in 1837 in lower Austria from a 42-year-old mother. Lionel de Rothschild would have been 29 years old, living in another country. Time, space, and circumstances make the supposed parentage impossible. Anons should know better.
As it turned out, Johan Georg Hitler was legally declared Alois Hitler's father, as substantiated by the testimony of 3 family members who were present when Johan Georg had declared this fact. (Alois was born of the mother before she and Johan Georg were married, thus the "illegitimate" status up to that point.)
Adolf Hitler was Alois Hitler's 4th child from his 3rd wife, and NOT a Shicklgruber.