I don't think [these people] get vaxed or have 'Covid'. I think it is all made up for the villagers to get vaxed then they don't question when they get the flu or a cold, while testing positive for something the fake test can't detect anyway.
You, me, most everyone here would think that, but common everyday villagers (normies and libtards) get their world view aka 'emotional directions' from the TV.
Only the normiest of normal guys are ones that are incurious enough as a default, or pretentious enough in their magical thinking high to relate to other people so reductively and simply as to call them "villagers" .
I've seen you post more thoughtfully, and imo you have better stuff to say..
Villagers is about as non-derogatory as you can get about normies.
These thoughtless automatons have cost me three years of my life and I think terms like chicken-head or ant-head from the Bladerunner book are spot on to describe them.
Any language used to describe any group is going to be reductive and villagers is less a pejorative than, NPC, useless eater, smooth-brain, vax-tard, sheep, cattle or even normie that you yourself used.
Your argument that "Only the normiest of normal guys" can be reductive or that being reductive is inherently pretentious are incorrect.
Thanks OQ for your thoughtful post. I do appreciate your words. Understand, though, I'm not looking for, well anything. I'm thoughtful because I am, not because I'm trying to win anyone over. In reality I would like to shake everyone to wake up, but, that is not how it works. When it comes to the covid bs narrative, I have zero tolerance, and I hold back, even on this board, because some are still slave to the pharma control. Combine that with morons that watch Colbert, well, nuf said... The crossover narrative is the villagers, so I will take nothing back. Have a good evening.
I don't think [these people] get vaxed or have 'Covid'. I think it is all made up for the villagers to get vaxed then they don't question when they get the flu or a cold, while testing positive for something the fake test can't detect anyway.
I should think it would have the opposite effect.
You, me, most everyone here would think that, but common everyday villagers (normies and libtards) get their world view aka 'emotional directions' from the TV.
Only the normiest of normal guys are ones that are incurious enough as a default, or pretentious enough in their magical thinking high to relate to other people so reductively and simply as to call them "villagers" .
I've seen you post more thoughtfully, and imo you have better stuff to say..
Villagers is about as non-derogatory as you can get about normies.
These thoughtless automatons have cost me three years of my life and I think terms like chicken-head or ant-head from the Bladerunner book are spot on to describe them.
Any language used to describe any group is going to be reductive and villagers is less a pejorative than, NPC, useless eater, smooth-brain, vax-tard, sheep, cattle or even normie that you yourself used.
Your argument that "Only the normiest of normal guys" can be reductive or that being reductive is inherently pretentious are incorrect.
Thanks OQ for your thoughtful post. I do appreciate your words. Understand, though, I'm not looking for, well anything. I'm thoughtful because I am, not because I'm trying to win anyone over. In reality I would like to shake everyone to wake up, but, that is not how it works. When it comes to the covid bs narrative, I have zero tolerance, and I hold back, even on this board, because some are still slave to the pharma control. Combine that with morons that watch Colbert, well, nuf said... The crossover narrative is the villagers, so I will take nothing back. Have a good evening.