posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +22 / -0

Dear Jesus, we love you so much. We come before You with humble hearts, seeking to deepen our faith in Your infinite love and wisdom. Grant us the strength to persevere in our journey of faith, even when trials and tribulations test our resolve. Help us to love one another as You have loved us, embracing the diversity of Your creation and showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness to all those we encounter on our path. Lord, we lift up the world to Your merciful care. In a world filled with pain and suffering, we pray for healing, peace, and understanding. May Your light shine through us as we strive to be a beacon of hope and love in this world. Guide us Lord, in our daily walk, that we may deepen our faith, persevere in times of trouble, love one another with genuine hearts, and continue to lift our voices in prayer for the betterment of the world. In Jesus' name, we pray. In Jesus Christ glorious name we pray. Amen

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