If I had the means to buy gold, I wouldn't do it to get rich, or even to combat inflation. It would be just so I could pay off debt if gold really soared.
But then again, if gold really soars then maybe the entire system is failing and I can just stop trying to pay the debts I have?
Regardless, from a big picture perspective will the cabal (or White Hats for that matter) allow people who stacked gold to suddenly become ultra wealthy, or have such financial leverage?
I recommend everyone watch Mike Maloney- The Hidden Secrets of Money Series because it talks about many things involving currency/fiat, money and the differences between them. It's very good.
Personally, I'm in it to stave off inflation theft and when the chit goes down and the market manipulators get dealt with (hopefully) - properly valued PM will have appreciated nicely, now that the ball and chains have been cut from the manipulators. JPM being one of the worst, and most documented, offenders.
Just as a yardstick, 10 years ago an ounce of gold was around $1075. Today it's roughly $1975. That's an 83% increase - or 83% decrease in purchasing power, just over 10 years. Compare that to other commodities and durable goods and you can see in many cases it's in lockstep with other things we buy and need. Just look at building materials... it's completely off the charts, although things are not as precious as the c19 years.
My goal is not to hold for shtf trading, but for when sanity returns to the market. There's a whole lotta bubble in way too many things. Au and Ag are recognized and have been since the beginning of modern history, the world over as being valuable. No you're not going to eat it... but stack it and leave it. If for nothing else, you'll have a little treasure when you're old to pass along to the youngsters. It's not going down in price... and rarely has it in recorded history, unless heavily manipulated.