Elections that no longer count because of fraud will be replaced by predictive AI….as global institutions quietly replace sovereign power with every threat of a global crisis.
Total censorship online led by Google is almost here - they will not allow you to see anything they do not want.
Meat, agriculture and private ownership of land will keep disappearing before your eyes.
The end of global airline travel for all but the chosen few is coming, and for the rest of us, we’ll be locked into self-sustaining concentration camps (that used to be our towns & cities) and extend fifteen minutes from our homes, policed by AI…
All while pandemic after pandemic wipes out much of the human race, and we mask up and take our shots.
They have a plan, sold as “sustainable development” when it is anything but. The “climate crisis” likely the biggest scam the world has ever seen, will be used to take everything from you and force you to eat insects or starve - all while you are used to keep producing human babies with young blood so vital to those who seek to reverse aging and defy death.
Elon Musk and others have talked about the end of aging. NBC, Politico, USA Today & so on write about the anti-aging benefits of young blood. Another lunatic billionaire who vacates his blood and takes his son’s younger blood is featured all over the media.
Yuval Noah Harari is exalted even as he says this is the end of humanity, free will and “fake” religions.
And we just go along, hoping somehow, someone will make it stop. Those who stand up mostly stand alone, all while they lower the age of consent, sexualize children & normalize not only pedophilia but sex with animals too. Wow.
In a Christian country, people revile Christianity and roll their eyes at any mention of God. Every other faith is protected, just not the one that protected your freedom and God-given inalienable rights.
How do you think this ends?
It DAMN SURE Does Not end with them living happily ever after, drinking\shooting infants blood, selling us off for spare parts, killing off those with no redeemable value by over valued narcissistic pricks hell bent on ruling the planet!
We outnumber these assholes a thousand to one. Paper money is soon to be worthless, everything else will be taken from them.